Academic Tenure
The initial purpose of the student tenure review is to assist the student in succeeding at HUC-JIR.
- If a student receives two or more “LPs” or “C’s” and/or fails one or more courses in a semester, the Program Director shall meet with the student to provide counseling and guidance. The Program Director may place the student on probation and may convene a Student Tenure Committee.
- Probationary status presumes that a student so designated has not demonstrated an ability to continue the course of study and must demonstrate this ability within one academic year in order to remain in the program. If a student receives an “F” during a period of probation, they will need to appear before a Student Tenure Committee. The student may also lose their eligibility for financial assistance.
- If a student fails three (3) courses over two academic years, the student will automatically be dropped from the academic roll. They have the right to appeal to the Student Tenure Committee for reinstatement, citing any extenuating circumstances.
Procedures for Academic Tenure
The Program Director is responsible for implementing the rules governing student tenure.
- When necessary, the Program Director will notify the student in writing that either they must meet with the Student Tenure Committee or that they are being dropped from the academic roll but has the right to appeal to the Student Tenure Committee for reinstatement. The student will be given a copy of that section of this handbook that prescribes the procedures in these cases.
- The composition of the Student Tenure Committee is to be determined by the Program Director, but must include at least one student from the appropriate professional school (unless the student waives this provision) and between two and four additional faculty members. The Dean may not serve on the Student Tenure Committee since they are part of the Appeals process. If the program director chooses not to chair the committee, they may designate a member of the Committee to serve as chair.
- At least fifteen working days prior to the meeting of the Student Tenure Committee, the Program Director will give the student written notice of the time and place of the meeting, and also inform the student that s/he will have an opportunity to present pertinent information to the Committee and that the student may be present throughout the meeting until such time as the Student Tenure Committee enters into executive session. The fifteen working days notification period may be shortened with the agreement of the student and program director.
The Student Tenure Committee will determine the suggested course of action by secret ballot and by a 2/3-majority vote.
- The Program Director will communicate the decision of the Student Tenure Committee in writing to the student and the Dean within five working days.
- As part of the evaluation process, the Committee can suggest a range of ways to proceed that may include, but are not limited to:
- Dismiss the case
- Investigate the matter further
- Oversight and assistance without putting the student on probation
- Place the student on Academic Probation. The conditions of probation will be determined by the nature of the case and the findings of the Committee. The appropriate course of action that the student must follow is determined by the nature of the case. The Committee may decide that the student can continue in their program while satisfying the probationary conditions, that the student may continue with a reduced course load, or that the student may not continue in their program until all conditions of probation have been satisfied. The Committee shall determine the timeframe for probation.
- Place the student on Academic Suspension for a specific period of time.
- Permanently dismiss the student from the academic program, the local campus, and/or HUC-JIR.
- Within ten working days, the student may appeal the decision of the Student Tenure Committee to the to the Provost; and finally, the Provost’s decision to the President.
- Copies of the communications with the student, and a confidential record of the meeting(s) of the Student Tenure Committee (other than the deliberations of the executive session, for which no written record will be made) shall be kept in the Program Director's office. The student may request copies of the confidential records.; The request must be in writing to the Program Director.