Academic Catalog 2024-2025


Faculty are expected to submit grades into the Student Information System (SIS) for all students within two weeks after the end of final examinations.

  • With the exception of the Pines School of Graduate Studies, the default grading system at HUC-JIR is Pass/Fail.
  • Students may elect to be graded under either the letter grade scale or on a Pass/Fail basis for courses that allow both grading types. Students will indicate their choice of grading systems at the beginning of their academic program and may change from one grading system to the other annually, prior to the first day of classes of the Summer or Fall semester.
    • The change must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar in writing or via the student’s HUC-JIR email account.
    • The request must be submitted before the first day of classes for the Fall semester.
    • Requests cannot be honored to retroactively change a student’s grading scale and grades for prior semesters.
  • The instructor shall specify in the course syllabus those aspects of the course that will be monitored for grading, such as examinations, papers, class participation and attendance. The instructor shall also specify in the syllabus the relative weight given each aspect to be monitored for grading.
  • Cumulative grade point averages will be on transcripts for all students with any letter grades.
  • Official transcripts will carry a legend that explains HUC-JIR's grading systems and explains that the Pass is valued at a “B-” or higher, and that a Low Pass is valued as a “C+ or lower.
  • The course will be designated to be grades on:
    • A letter grade basis only
    • Pass/fail only
    • Both.
  • Different sections of the course will have one grading system.
  • Students have the right to respond to the grade received by meeting first with the faculty member and secondly with the student’s Program Director.
  • If the student fails two (2) courses at any time within two consecutive semesters, they will meet with the Student Tenure Committee.

Grading tables:

  • The letter grade scale will be as follows:
 A+  4.333
 A  4.000
 A-  3.667
 B+  3.333
 B  3.000
 B-  2.667
 C+  2.333
 C  2.000
 C-  1.667
 F  0.000
  • The Pass/Fail scale will be as follows:
 P  Credit/No quality points
 LP  Credit/No quality points
 F  0.000
  • Grades in both tables:
 AU  Audit  N/A
 CR  Credit by Exam  N/A
 I  Incomplete  N/A
 NG  No grade reported  N/A
 TC  Transfer Credit  N/A
 W  Withdraw after add drop  N/A

Suggested Grade Scale

The grading scale used in a class to arrive at the final grade, whether letter grade or pass/fail, is determined by the individual faculty member. Below is a suggested scale for those faculty members who calculate a class average for a student based on the points achieved for exams, papers, and other assignments. This chart is provided for guidance and is not required for faculty use in grading.

 Letter for P/F Grade Percent Grade 
 A+/P  97-100
 A/P  93-96
 A-/P  90-92
 B+/P  87-89
 B/P  83-86
 B-/P  80-82
 C+/LP  77-79
 C/LP  73-76
 C-/LP  70-72
 F  69 and below

Change of Grade

Faculty must submit Change of Grade forms to the Office of the Registrar to request a change. When the grade change has been processed, the student’s Program Director will be notified by the Registrar’s office.

Incomplete Grade

  • If for the reason of illness or other comparable extenuating circumstances a student cannot complete the course on time, the student must submit an incomplete grade request form to the instructor for approval.
  • The form is available on the Registrar’s website. Once the request is approved by the instructor, a copy of the completed form must be forwarded to the student’s Program Director and the Registrar’s Office. If a student is not able to contact the instructor, the student may petition the Program Director for an Incomplete.
  • No Incompletes are granted for Intensive courses.
  • Completion Deadline for Incompletes:
    • Incompletes for Summer term course work needs to be resolved by the last day of the Fall semester.
    • Incompletes for Fall semester course work need to be resolved by the last day of the Spring semester.
    • Incompletes for Spring semester course work need to be resolved the last day of Summer term.
    • A faculty member may impose more stringent deadlines than the deadlines stated above, as specified on the Incomplete request form.
    • Students in the Pines School of Graduate Studies should refer to the program handbook for due dates for Incompletes.
  • An “I” will be entered for the course on the student’s transcript. If the student fails to finish the Incomplete during the time allotted by the faculty member, the Registrar will record an "F" (Failure) on the student’s transcript.
  • To be considered as a candidate for graduation or ordination, a student must resolve all incomplete grades at least three weeks before the date of graduation/ordination.
  • In rare cases where due to illness or other extenuating circumstances a student receives an incomplete grade in the final year, the coursework must be resolved and submitted to the faculty member by March 15. the faculty member must submit the grade change form by April 1. If not resolved by April 1, the student will not graduate or be ordained.
  • Incurring three or more Incompletes in one semester or term may jeopardize the student’s financial support.