EDU 578 Charting the Future 1 and 2
What can we learn from historic visionary educational ideas? What educational visions are prevalent today? What does this moment in history demand of us, and what might we imagine for the future? How might Jewish education serve as a tool to transform learners, communities and society? In an ongoing dialogue across 4 semesters, this course provides a historical and sociological framework for charting an educational vision and planning for Jewish education. Students are invited to explore "the big picture" of Jewish education, by analyzing a variety of priorities in Jewish education, including cultural literacy, social justice, creative society, identity, Jewish values and more. The sequence explores classic texts and contemporary manifestos that describe aspirations and existence proofs in education and Jewish education. Students will clarify and articulate the ideologies of Jewish education that they will enact in their leadership. Students will read extensive literature and learn to produce publishable advocacy pieces for a variety of stakeholders, both local and national/global. Bridge to residencies: students will produce communications to stakeholders in their communities that articulate the rationale for their program aspirations and approach to Jewish education. Students may co-author with their supervisors and/or faculty.